

forkabilityはGitHubに対応していますので、*ユーザ名/リポジトリ名* を引数として渡すだけです。そうすると結果をMarkdownで出力してくれます。

$ forkability moongift/NCMBGoogleAuthJS  
# Forkability found 3 recommended features, and has 5 suggestions  
# Features (3)  
✓ License document  
✓ .gitignore file  
✓ All open issues have been acknowledged  
# Suggestions (5)  
! Contributing document  
! Readme document  
! Changelog document  
! Test suite  
! No tags: Before releasing a new version, create a tag to represent the code at the point of that release.  
# Forkability Badge (failure)  
## Just the SVG:   
## Markdown:   
[![This repository's forkability could be improved](https://img.shields.io/badge/forkable-no-red.svg)](https://basicallydan.github.io/forkability/?u=moongift&r=NCMBGoogleAuthJS)  
## HTML:   
[![This repository's forkability could be improved](https://img.shields.io/badge/forkable-no-red.svg)](https://basicallydan.github.io/forkability/?u=moongift&r=NCMBGoogleAuthJS)  


$ forkability moongift/ncmb-ruby-client  
# Forkability found 4 recommended features, and has 5 suggestions  
# Features (4)  
✓ Readme document  
✓ License document  
✓ .gitignore file  
✓ Test suite  
# Suggestions (5)  
! Contributing document  
! Changelog document  
! Uncommented issue: Comment on the issue to indicate acknowledgement  
├── supported below ruby 2.1 implementing to\_h: https://github.com/moongift/ncmb-ruby-client/pull/16  
! Untouched issue: Comment or label the issue to indicate acknowledgement  
├── supported below ruby 2.1 implementing to\_h: https://github.com/moongift/ncmb-ruby-client/pull/16  
! No tags: Before releasing a new version, create a tag to represent the code at the point of that release.  
# Forkability Badge (failure)  
## Just the SVG:   
## Markdown:   
[![This repository's forkability could be improved](https://img.shields.io/badge/forkable-no-red.svg)](https://basicallydan.github.io/forkability/?u=moongift&r=ncmb-ruby-client)  
## HTML:   
[![This repository's forkability could be improved](https://img.shields.io/badge/forkable-no-red.svg)](https://basicallydan.github.io/forkability/?u=moongift&r=ncmb-ruby-client)  


forkabilityはnode/JavaScript製、MIT Licenseのオープンソース・ソフトウェアです。
